Artist: Simon Jela
Single Release, Title: Imprudent Things
Label: Lime Caviar Music | Distribution: AWAL
Digital release: January 1st, 2021
UPC: 5054526831452
ISRC: GBKPL2034278
Simon Jela loves and lives music. A rock music-trained household near Frankfurt makes it natural. His father’s record collection was better than Lego. The 24-year-old has a deep rock and pop appreciation that ranges from Rolling Stones and Joe Cocker to classic rock acts like Chicago or Toto. Yes, you read that right, Toto is one of the most formative musical experiences of his life. And that’s not meant ironically, like some hipster DJ who has just ended his with „Africa“. Simon Jela is serious about music – and about Toto of course.
But his musical spectrum extends beyond the classics. Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles (when he was with One Direction) still fascinate him. And, oh boy, what this guy does with his passion: He creates English-language pop songs with an intuitive ease. Pop songs in which you can lose yourself in, and find yourself. Pop like a good friend’s voice in your ear.
The debut EP will be out June 18, 2021. Recorded with his friends, written with the I-swear-it’s-not-cheesy, it’s just what’s in my heart and my mind attitude. Appropriately, this EP is therefore called „In My Mind“.
These are personal pieces by a songwriter who digs deeper than one is used to in pop – musically and lyrically. It is someone who never wanted to be shaped in a marketable way at pop universities, but who just hits the spot – that of his listeners. Someone who doesn’t want to be dissuaded from his dream. One whose music will leave its mark.
Simon Jela is looking to make 2021 his year by dropping the highly anticipated debut single ‘Imprudent Things’ in the first week of the year.
Okay, so let’s hear it!
Listen to “Imprudent Things” HERE
„Imprudent Things“ sets out in search of truth on the crazy little battlefield we call love. It’s about playing games, expectation, disappointment and above all about letting yourself off the hook for your own misconduct.
Authenticity and openness make the song a real spectacle. The intimate guitar staging at the beginning creates closeness and builds tension, which then discharges in rousing orchestral passages.
Simon Jela Online
Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | YouTube
Next Singles/ Focus Track:
February 17, 2021 – If It Was On Me
March 31, 2021 – Chances
June 18, 2021 – To Dark To See
August 27, 2021 – Safe Place
Management: Kathleen Kinzel | info (@) hopkinz.de | +49 176 29597618
Lime Caviar Music: limecaviarmusic (@) gmail.com
Musikfreitag ( https://bit.ly/3hD4YQJ ) – „Einen guten Start ins neue Jahr wird auch der Newcomer Simon Jela mit seinem Debüt-Lied „Imprudent Things“ haben, denn dessen gefühlvoller Singer/Songwriter-Sound kann locker mit internationalen Pop-Produktionen von Harry Styles, Matt Simons oder Lewis Capaldi mithalten – ein Künstler, den man auf jeden Fall in 2021 im Auge behalten sollte.“