VooCha begins with sweet house, let’s dance and talk more later!
Artist: VooCha
Single Release, Title: All Roads Take Me 2 – DJ Aroma Remix
Label: UniCAT | Distribution: State51
Digital release: December 4th, 2020
Sugar Gliding
The Sugary positivity of the dance track ‚All Roads Take Me 2‚ does not flip into the bitter aftertaste, the sugar high does not crash land in depleted confusion, the listener glides on sound waves of 808 bass and synth stabs on the off beats. Transitions are smooth and what can be more radical at this very moment then a precise dance song? We cannot convene, move our bodies within these confined spaces where once upon a time we used to dance up a sweat, glide through crowds, aerosols creating a fuzz of connecting the separate bodies to another. Dance music says VooCha is the ‚unique synchronicity of motion and emotion, isolation and intimacy of the dance ritual we find in all culture throughout the ages of humankind, humans moving to rhythm firing up mirror neurons. Humans eat, sleep and – yes, dance, don’t starve your soul babes.‘

We Share The Same Bubble
The filter which playfully and disturbingly has bubbles which come out of the mouth, reinforcing an element which just months ago would have seemed innocent in the pandemic age has layers of suggested contagion and interconnectedness.
Insta users, please go ahead and download the Chrysalis filter and don’t worry anymore about the face tracking.
VooCha is Never Alone
VooCha is the alias, for the nature of collaborative making. The character, this construct is cyborg, reflecting the mechanical body that functions by spewing out music, lyrics. Regurgitating sounds of the 1990’s VooCha is a figure which latches onto movements in culture. VooCha the artist has become you, yes as the listener you are being appropriated into an avatar, the VooCha avatar by means of the VooCha Augmented Reality Filter. In VooCha land we are all a shifting age, cultural identity and sex. Shifting away from the personal, into the universal the collective project of VooCha is a cross section in difficult listening and DJ culture.
VooCha has been making music in various configurations for a few years, core founder Melissa E. Logan works with producers DJ Aroma and Armageddon Turk, performers Nelly Ellinor, Jesseline Sarkodie and has multinational spread of guest collaborations.
Melissa E. Logan
With Chicks on Speed Logan is the voice of the ‚Kaltes Klares Wasser remix‚, while a student at the Kunst Akademie München Logan wrote for the DJ Hell release ‚This is for You‚.
More recently Logan wrote ‚Mentally Naked‚ for Captain Mustache (released on My Favorite Robot 2020), as a songwriter and performer you have heard Logan’s upstate New York living in Germany, loving Electronic club music spoken vocals style. When not writing songs, Logan exhibits with Galerie Gisela Clement in Bonn. At the moment Temporary Gallery, Köln is exhibiting an installation titled ‚DANCE PARTY‘ in an exhibition taking place in the space as well as on SoundCloud. Guests of the interactive exhibition write notes, these writings are recorded and produced into songs by Logan and uploaded. This authorship collaboration with visitors and many people one never will know is an exciting step in rethinking the mistress/master creator genius model. ‚Let’s just make this music together, like how we dance together, sometimes we don’t need to be complicated‚ says Logan.
Logan believes in a beautiful complex authorship system as our digital world allows for splits where we can credit many sources. This can start by experimenting, field text various models, I will start on myself in the lab. For this purpose, she has founded UniCAT – the University of Craft Action Thought – to release music and test models of how cultural production, collaboration and dance music can be spread. Firstly, on existing systems of the complex digital spread, but looking to pioneer paths focused on sustainability of the artists.
DJ Aroma in the House
DJ Aroma masters the art of top end dance music production as well as a blog on copyright law.
For VooCha, diving, writing and producing in the land of sugar sweet dance music is not any contradiction to being bizzed-up, being one’s own boss, rethinking, exploring and building ideas of music structure from the dust up.
Good Life
‚All Roads Take Me 2 – DJ Aroma Remix‚ is the first release in a cycle leading up to a Mixtape to be released in Spring 2021 titled ‘Good Life’.
The artwork of VooCha is filmed with the Augmented Reality App: Chrysalis by the Brazilian multimedia artist Cibelle Cavalli Bastos / (@aevtarperform) then sent through the laborious processing by the graphic designer Caro Mikalef /Cabine.
-text by Melissa E. Logan
VIDEO on YouTube >> https://youtu.be/0JasAJ8RJ3w
EPK (Texts, Pictures, Teaser) >> https://bit.ly/32SZf2U
All Roads Take Me 2 – DJ Aroma Remix
UniCAT/ State51
ISRC : DEZE42000001
UPC: 5057805683544
Label Code UniCAT gUG: LC-95589
Listening: https://ffm.to/voocha_allroadstakeme2

VooCha Online
Facebook: @VooChaCAT | https://www.facebook.com/VooChaCAT
Instagram: @voocha_ | https://www.instagram.com/voocha_/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chicksonspeedmelissa
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd2-a6HDnjVSEPSx3CJMXbw
Art: https://www.temporarygallery.org/en/homepage-2
Kathleen Kinzel | info@hopkinz.de | +49 176 29597618